


About this Program

行政部门的角色. Legal history. 选民的代际变化. 抗议的政治. Global politics. What does it all mean for you, your community and the world?

作为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校政治学专业的学生, you will study America’s political system and processes, 有效的政治行动, nation-state behavior and and political systems across the world.  你也将学习批判性的观点, analytical proficiencies and communication skills that will help you understand and grapple with complex local, 国内和国际事务.

位于丹佛市中心, the Political Science program offers prolific internship and experiential learning opportunities that provide first-hand experiences with politics in action—all within walking distance. 对于那些对国际政治感兴趣的人, the opportunity to participate in the Model United Nations and extensive travel abroad and student exchange programs enrich already expansive on-campus coursework.


Program Benefits

The 政治学系 delivers all the academic content you expect from a B.A. program while also bringing to the table everything that’s unique about MSU Denver’s people and Denver’s political community. Students here have the advantage of the following unique opportunities:

• Enjoy attending classes on a vibrant and diverse downtown campus that’s located only minutes from the Colorado Capitol Building.

•受益于小班授课, extensive interaction with faculty dedicated to your success and the convenience of evening course options. We are a big university with a small college approach to education.

•参加各种特殊活动, 包括法律预科咨询, Mock Trial, 模拟联合国和华盛顿的暑期实习项目, D.C.

• Join MSU Denver student chapters of the National Political Science Honor Society (ΠΣΑ) and the Political Science Association.

• Get involved in co-curricular projects sponsored by the department, 从关注当天重要问题的活动中, to lectures by leading academics and practitioners from around the world, 还有各种各样的社区建设机会.

• Intern with various organizations that can serve as stepping stones to employment and jumpstart your professional career in political science



Earning a BA in political science from MSU Denver prepares students for graduate opportunities and careers in public and private sectors including state, local and federal governments and their agencies; public policy; law; business; journalism; foreign service and international organizations as well as secondary and college education. Here are just a few specific careers that await a political science major:

  • 政治活动家、倡导者或组织者
  • Public Agency, Non-profit or Private Sector Administrator
  • Budget Analyst
  • Attorney
  • 竞选顾问及执行
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • 公共事务顾问
  • Legislator
  • 国际机构官员
  • Lobbyist
  • Journalist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Research Analyst
  • 民意分析师
  • 外交事务官员

Featured Faculty

Robert Preus

Robert Preus

Robert Preuhs’ research focuses on issues of representation and democracy through the lens of racial and ethnic politics, state and national political institutions and public policy. His publications have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals such as The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics and Political Research Quarterly. He and fellow professors Norman Provizer and Andy Thangasamy recently authored the piece, “Contesting Colorado: The Politics of Change in the Centennial State” in the book, “Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter” (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015).

Sheila Rucki

Sheila Rucki, Ph.D.

Sheila Rucki teaches in the sub-fields of political theory and international relations/international political economy. She works with her students to develop research and analysis skills and to learn to understand the world through the lens of critical political theory. Her research has been published in New Political Science and she has contributed chapters to At the Interface / Probing the Boundaries from Brill Publishing. 她也是伊拉斯谟+教师交换学者.

David Wanbli

Dr. David Heska Wanbli Weiden, J.D., MFA, Ph.D.

Professor Weiden teaches Native American Studies and Political Science. 他专门研究美洲原住民问题, law, and American politics as well as writing essays and fiction. 他的小说《皇冠体育官网》于2020年出版.

“I use a variety of approaches in my teaching: real-world applications and problems, case studies, 来自电影和文学的例子, and critical thinking exercises to challenge students to examine issues of law, politics, 土著居民.——David Heska Wanbli Weiden教授

Alumni at Work

MSU Denver’s Political Science alumni have found careers at the following organizations:

  • 瑞典驻印度尼西亚大使馆
  • Teach for America
  • 科罗拉多州议会
  • U.S. Treasury Department
  • 美国全国委员会.S.-阿拉伯关系,华盛顿特区.C.
  • 地方检察官办公室,特立尼达,科罗拉多州.
  • 德克萨斯州刑事司法部门
  • U.S. Senate
  • U.S. 众议院
  • 和平队,蒙古

Our alumni have been accepted for post-graduate study at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, University of Denver, 科罗拉多大学, New York University, 雷曼学院和乔治华盛顿大学.

They have also been accepted to the law schools at the University of Michigan, University of Denver, 科罗拉多大学, 华盛顿大学, 美国大学法学院, Fordham University School of Law and Seattle University School of Law.



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Auraria Campus