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When Associate Professor 布莱恩Bagwell began developing 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Bachelor of Science degree in Fire and 紧急 Response Administration (FERA), he wanted the first course to be numbered 3430 to honor the 343 firefighters killed on 9/11. 当了很多年的消防员, he was also on a team of psychologists who worked for a year with New York police officers who responded that day.

Passion and experience drive 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Fire and 紧急 Response Administration program and it shows. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has earned the “Certificate of Recognition” from the National Fire Academy ? Fire and 紧急 Services Higher Education (FESHE) network ? one of only a few colleges and universities in the country and the only four-year university in Colorado 这样做. 结果是, for each FESHE course you complete, you will receive a National Fire Academy certificate, signifying the high level of training you have received.

Encompassing all emergency services response disciplines, 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Fire and 紧急 Response Administration program will provide you with foundational skills in fire research, 应急响应管理局, 人员安全, 应急管理, community risk reduction and disaster planning and control. A major part of the FERA program is service learning, so you will have the opportunity for field experiences such as fire and emergency awareness exercises and arson investigations that involve direct interaction with citizens and community partners, 比如美国红十字会, the Center for Excellence in Aerial Wildland Firefighting and many 丹佛 fire departments.

As a graduate of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Fire and 紧急 Response Administration degree program, you will have a competitive edge in the emergency response job market by increasing your administrative and management knowledge, as well as occupational and life safety awareness. You’ll also be prepared to face new challenges in technology, human resource management and fiscal responsibility.

Benefits of Earning Your Degree at 密歇根州立大学丹佛

Because 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s program is a great way for firefighters and first responders to gain the education and certifications to advance in their careers, many current professionals have chosen to earn their bachelor of science degree in Fire and 紧急 Response Administration, including those working for the 丹佛, 极光, 南地铁, 利特尔顿, Golden and Franktown fire departments.

职业发展机会 for Our 研究生s

FERA职业横幅According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median annual salary for firefighters was $48,030; the starting salary in the 丹佛 Fire Department is approximately $52,4年后增长到72美元,000.

The BLS Handbook lists a median salary of $70,500 for 应急管理 directors, which does require several years of experience.

作为FERA的毕业生, your career path might include working for a fire department, 联邦应急管理局, the Red Cross and other emergency response agencies in positions such as:

  • 消防队员
  • 消防官
  • 火探长
  • 火灾调查员
  • Forest fire inspectors and prevention specialists
  • 防火主管
  • 应急管理技术员
  • 紧急 and disaster response technician
  • 应急管理专家
  • Hospital emergency preparedness administrator
  • 应急调度程序
  • 紧急 planning and response manager




FERA Coordinator and Associate Professor 布莱恩Bagwell, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校92届, brings 23 years of experience as a firefighter/paramedic as well as his expertise as a doctor of psychology to the classroom. Bagwell has presented locally and nationally on topics that include campus and workplace violence, critical incident stress management, 创伤, treating claustrophobic firefighters and perception of threat and de-escalation of violence strategies for first responders, employers and mental health clinicians.

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